Work Wife Wine Time
#15: Grasping Facebook Ads
November 12, 2020
Facebook Ads. Do these 2 words make you cringe? Or you’ve tried them before and given up. If this sounds like you you’re not alone because Facebook is an evolving, changing and challenging world. But in this episode join Facebook Ads sorceress Amy Wyhoon and Gemma as they discuss all things ads, copy, creative and the fundamentals you need to grasp. So you can grapple your Facebook ads fear head-on. And embrace its power to grow your business.
Facebook Ads. Do these 2 words make you cringe? Or you’ve tried them before and given up. If this sounds like you you’re not alone because Facebook is an evolving, changing and challenging world. 

But in this episode join Facebook Ads sorceress Amy Wyhoon and Gemma as they discuss all things ads, copy, creative and the fundamentals you need to grasp. So you can grapple your Facebook ads fear head-on. And embrace its power to grow your business. 

In this episode, you'll learn what Facebook ads are, why they grow your business, understand the tricky ad terms and how to get your copywriting right. Plus understanding creative and where the heck to start. Furthermore learn what testing means, and why it's all about testing. 

Don't miss this episode as you'll walk away with a more extensive understanding of FB ads and drop your overwhelm.