The Business of Personal Brand Photography
My Number One Favourite Marketing Tool And Why I Love It
December 5, 2022
Paula share about her number one favorite marketing tool and why she loves it.

Fun fact: Old-school marketing is not dead. 

Often it’s the simplest tools that can make the biggest impact. My number one go-to marketing tool is email. 

It may sound old-fashioned, but it still stands as a powerful way to reach customers and get your message out there. 

One of the main reasons I love email marketing is its accessibility. 

You don’t need any special equipment or skills to get started - all you need is an email address and a computer. 

Even if you don’t have tech expertise, you can easily create beautiful newsletters, automated messages, and promotional offers without breaking a sweat. 

Believe it or not, I'm not a techy person, yet I was able to quickly learn the basics of email marketing and start making an impact with my campaigns.

If you want the most bang for your buck, you can’t go wrong with email. Listen to this episode now to learn more about how you can supercharge your email marketing. 

To get to know Paula and get insight into her work, click here & Follow her on Instagram here.

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