Mind Witchery
Conjuring Money Confidence feat. Ray Dodd
July 21, 2022
Confidence around making (and spending!) money is a struggle that is So Real. Money and business coach Ray Dodd is the perfect person to help us see beyond the internalized messages and learn to trust ourselves with money.
Confidence around making (and spending!) money

is a struggle that is So Real.

The dominant system wants us scared, wants us anxious,

so we don’t have the energy to envision a different way.

Money and business coach Ray Dodd is the perfect person to help us 

see beyond the internalized messages and

learn to trust ourselves with money.

I know you’re going to love Ray as much as I do,

and I can’t wait for you to share in her wisdom.


Ray helps women earn life-changing amounts of money

without having to compromise who they are. 

Ray’s website is https://www.raydodd.co.uk/

Her Money Makers Podcast is at https://www.raydodd.co.uk/podcast

Ray on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/ray_dodd/

Ray on TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@raydoddmoneycoach

Make Magic:

The root of money confidence is self-trust.

We have to unlearn all the lessons about

how our self-worth is tied up in our ability to make money

and to spend it in a way They think is responsible.

But we also have to think clearly

about the power that comes with making more money,

and how we want to relate to and use that power

in ways that support our values.

Transcript: Conjuring Money Confidence feat. Ray Dodd