The Plant Yourself Podcast
PYP 149: Dr. Linda Carney on the Dangers of Excess Estrogen
April 5, 2016
Dr. Linda Carney got her first taste of medicine - an addictive one, as it turns out - when she managed to witness an autopsy at the age of 14. Her vegetarian-chef / Mr. Mom stepdad added the experience of delicious plant-based eating to her life, and when she heard Hans Diehl, PhD, describe the results of his CHIP program (see below for my interview with Hans), she combined the two and embraced plant-based medicine. As Medical Director of the original Engine 2 Immersion with employees of Whole Foods in Austin, TX, Dr. Carney witnessed daily what most doctors would consider medical miracles: 100 point drops in cholesterol in 5 days, type 1 diabetics reducing their insulin requirements by 20% a day, and more. I became acquainted with her work through her website, which renders complex nutritional and health science in layperson's terms. I specifically wanted to speak with her about women's health issues.