Presenting for Success
Safety Consultant with Sheldon Primus
Presenting for Success
June 7, 2021
In this episode, Sheldon goes over the steps to creating a successful presentation. He goes over what to consider when writing a title, objectives, resources, and more.
Keywords: Sheldon Primus, Sheldon, Primus, Safety, Safety Consultant, Public Speaking, Keynote, PowerPoint, Prezi, Bloom Taxonomy, Permit Required Confined Space, Instructional design, US, OSHA, Government, ANSI, Book of Knowledge, ASSP, EHS, COVID-19, Research, Susan Harwood Grant

[00:00:06] spk_1: This episode is powered by safety FM. Mhm

[00:00:18] spk_0: Welcome to the safety consultant podcast. I am your household, I promise. This is the show where I teach you the business of being a safety consultant. Welcome! This week, we are actually going to have a solo episode with me again. I'm hoping that you guys could get some really good information. That's why I do these things drink. So I am going to go over the structure of a presentation. That's what I'm looking for right now. The actual structure of the presentation. I do a lot of presentations. I honestly do some of our things that I create myself. Some of them are not. There are things that I deliver from a course. So I do always have some sort of presentation. I am doing somewhere along the line. I really think that once you understand how to create this thing and put it together, the delivery becomes easier, especially if it's a presentation that you're putting together yourself. So we're going to go through that really images. Um give you the winning philosophy if you will. All right, It's a good deal. I am going to get us going with the Mhm. I don't know. What should I call this one? Should I call this one? Like uh yeah, let's call this one. Uh For presenting for success. That sounds gonna be catching right, preparing for his success. I'd better write that down because I'm going to get all the way to the end of this one and I want an episode presenting for success. Alright presenting. Mhm. All right. You guys inspired me right there and I wrote it down. I got it. So, it's gonna be a title. See So here we go. We just got started. And now, you know why the episode is titled what it is? We decided right now. So, here's the idea. All right. I use power point. I know I also have used press E P R E Z. I press Z is online. Um I would hope honestly I haven't really checked. It's been a while since I've looked it up. So I think it is, let's say it that way. But what it is is pretty much like a storyboard Press cpr easy. I and makes it where your PowerPoint is not really a power point as much as it is. You kind of going through a story and it's more animated if you will. So it doesn't matter which what are you actually using the delivery mechanism. So I'm not going to worry too much about that one. But what I do hope to to get at it right now and make sure that you guys are going to understand is how to put this thing together. So I'm not going to give you too much of the details as to power point and how to set it up as the boxes and all that stuff first and foremost, what you want to do is get yourself a nice catchy title. Yeah, it's as simple as that. That's the first thing you want to do because it's going to lead you in many different ways. Um even before you gather your resources and when you're doing a title, catchy and you want to make it where it has a subtitle to it. So catchy meaning it has some action words that are gonna like describe exactly what you guess you're gonna do. Like right now uh doing a course or a one day event and I call it revealing the secrets to OSHA. So wow, you're looking at revealing something really great is about to happen and it is because I'm revealing the secrets to OSHA. So if you're under OSHA regulation Yeah, of course. But the title mhm grabbing them and then there's a subtitle underneath it that says learned the secrets of a consultant or something like that secrets from acting safe. They're active safety consultant. So when you have a title and a subtitle together, that's really going to give some context as to what this presentation is, that's going to be the first thing you're going to deal with. So after you get that done mm Now you're going to go out there and look up all your resources. So common places for safety resources, if it's going to be a safety presentation could be a management presentation that could be whatever whatever presentation again in mind. But let's say it is a safety presentation. Good Ocean Should that goes kinda wonderful amount of information. Just go to um OSHA dot Gov and it should be available for every country unless your country has some sort of uh code where you used that go that goes to your country's government. But for us in the US it's OSHA Gov mm. When you get there you're going to look for training, Susan Harwood Grant or you're gonna look for safety and health topic page. So look through those that is going to be your resource page. When you get to whatever top of you're looking for. Also look to see if there's american National Standards Institute ansi guidance on it. And then if it's a topic let's say it's uh excavator safety topic there ain't so look for for some of the the guidance that goes with it. And then you might also want to look up maybe the most popular um unit or something that you're even familiar with. Look up the operation and maintenance manual from the manufacturer use that as part of your presentation as well. So I mean anything can be subject to putting back into the research but what you get your name now, you know exactly what areas are going to include into your presentation because the name is going to you know that's gonna be your bulls. It it's the take away the big takeaway. So once you get that now the next thing to do is to write a detailed Mhm actual super detailed outline. So make your main heading and underneath that you're subheadings. And then for your subheadings right, a couple of paragraphs or something underneath those what you're doing there is you're actually going to start creating the meat of the presentation from your outline. In some cases you could actually turn your outline into your slides but create an outline, make it as detailed as you can because this work is going to be translated into your actual slide. Mhm. Okay. The next thing that you want to make sure that you you do is as you're going to start creating your your physical presentation, right? Your your actual thing. Presi keynote uh power point, whatever you're using. So let's say now that you're actually going to put this thing together with uh whatever flair you need to do, I'm gonna pull you back a little bit on the flare side. Okay, meaning this right now, it's not really important for you to have all the bells and whistles and you know, things coming letters coming in from the left and rolling, letter per letter per letter until he goes to the right and lines up to make a word, no one needs that right now, no one needs the sunburst to come from the middle of the presentation as you go from slide to slide, it's not necessary anymore. When crazy and power point and we'll proceed is different when power point first came out the keynote. Yeah, we were doing all that stuff. We want all that animation animation in the slides every time you hit the bullet and get something sliding in or or flashing up on the screen. Not necessary anymore. So don't do that with your presentations. Let's just make it basic. If you have black background or dark background, make sure your lettering is light color. If you have a light color background, your lettering has to be dark. Your presentation slide is all real estate. So don't jumble up your real estate in the middle of the slide, you've got all kinds of space so just utilize the space as best as you can. However, Mhm. You really want to do pictures as much as you can. So if there's a way that you could depict your point with a picture, do that and just have the picture on the screen instead of heading and three bullets, you know, the the old heading and three bullets that you normally see. We don't want that. We wanna uh if you have to, you know, you're going to have some slides where it is regular heading and bullets. I'm not telling you each and every one your slides do this. But for the majority of your slides, if there's a way you could be visual showing somebody what you're talking about, even if it's like a graph used to graph. And maybe instead of using bars, you stack hamburgers and then there's the highest stack of hamburgers for this month worth of data will equal, you know, high output of hamburgers were the smaller little stacked up hamburgers mean the low output, something like that. So it's gonna be visual, there'll be something the actual student will remember because they're gonna see this thing. They're gonna laugh, they're going to have a good time and they're not steady reading. So that is going to be a fatigue on their eyes and everything else. So you really want to make sure that in the presentation, uh if there's a percentage that you want to go, let's go with a 60% graphic and 40% some sort of visual. And if you're gonna do sounds stop it. No, nobody needs sounds, unless it's something really distinct that you have to show or here. Okay, do that one. But if you're going to put a little a little rain bell or a telephone or anything like that, no, stop yourself right now, you're not doing that. That's just the pain. You're going to end up messing with people. And it's not gonna be as funny as you think. Just just let it go, let it go. Hate to break it to you. Let it go. All right. Another thing that you're going to do, and I'm assuming that this is going to be for you, right? So, I'm thinking this as being like part of your business. What are you going to do? So, I am thinking you probably gonna want to put in an offer in this thing. So, uh, the key to any business is you're gonna have to keep building your email list, so therefore offering your presentation and let the offer be something great, meaning a free copy of a book or um, It could be 50% off of another product that you have, or it could be some sort of offer that is, you know, before the day's out, you get to sign up for this thing and then you'll have a new benefit. Something in there. It's something that the audience could take away. Oh, I did forget something like really big and it's like something in the beginning. So I better take care of this one. All right, I forgot to mention the after the outline and everything else. And you get your research and you really want to have an objective. So the objective should be something that is going to be measurable at the end. So, what most people use is they use a bloom's taxonomy word and its action word. So therefore at the end you could say, I have achieved this thing. So make sure you have very good objectives. Here's an example, let's say we're doing a permit required confined space entry. So one of your objectives is analyze the hazards associated with the space. So therefore at the end, what you can truly say in a test question is how do you, how do you find hazards in a permanent quiet, confined space? Or what are typical hazards in the permit required confined space? Something like that? And in those cases when the student answers it right now, you know, that they have answered or fulfilled that objective that you gave him in the beginning. So when you're doing objectives using action words, just don't say understand, describe those are really good words, you've got to use them maybe every once in a while, you know, as as an end objective is, someone's going to describe the process but just don't use it in every single objective, kinda switch those action words around every now and then. So I didn't want to forget that one because that wasn't an important one. I meant to put that all the way in the beginning after you get your research and you're doing your outline, make sure you do some sort of objective. Even if you have chapter objectives, if you're doing something like of course it's important. Chapter and objectives. Okay. All right. The very last thing that you're going to want to do so after you give an offer um and the offer again is you're getting emails and a name for exchange for some caveats, something that they really want to discount a freebie and then you're gonna want to have a contact information slide. So put your name on it. Put your company name, your company, email your phone number and a Q. R. Code. Mhm. So QR code is one of those visual codes that actually has data in it. So once a camera phone, camera takes it a picture of this code in a special code reader it is going to be a hyperlink or information in there that you now could disseminate to the person and they could save it onto their device. So now you know for sure they're going to have this number and this information in their device. So not only have business cards if you're really knew, I I honestly don't carry business cards much anymore. Um Hold on I could actually say now I'm thinking about it. I don't think I've had to physically hand out a business card In roughly about three years. Generally speaking I don't have a business who are and I may have like like some of my stickers, I have a sticker with my showing promise logo. I'll hand those out where I have a sticker with the safety consultant logo. You know, I'll hand out those vinyl stickers. But other than that I actually don't give out any business cards much anymore. However if I am um showing somebody something as a contact information for me, I try to do a QR code. So I do have codes that is um a digital card. If you will, let's think of it that way. So that is it. That is truly what we're gonna talk about right now. Uh we have brainstormed. I really want you to feel that you're going to be able to get all the information that you can buy just really listening to this and then you know you could then but put into place the presentation is going to be awesome for you to use and then when she deliver it recorded and now you have a product, so you have, especially if it's in like zoom or something like that, you already have a nice digital way of recording it. There you go. So you get the presentation, you have your actual delivery of this presentation, you put that together, you give that up for free. We could have it where it's uh evergreen, that's what they call evergreen material, where it's just gonna be, where you could have it on a website. People keep going to it, it's new to them, but you're getting the use um we're getting their name and email for them to see this material. There you go. So that's a good way for you to turn this presentation that you just did for one thing into something that will help you lead, it's called a lead. Madness. Help you get some leads towards your business. All right. See you man full circle. Get you from, from the presentation all the way around to how are you going to use it for your business? Who knows? Some skill right there. I'm just not for you guys. Thank you so much for a wonderful week and you can't get this thing. Uh, if you have not subscribe to the podcast. Statistically speaking, I only have very, very few subscribers. Like very few. So I'm hoping that I could get some more. It would really help me. They'll show that not only you like the show, but also end up being suggested to people who could use to show. So wherever you're listening to me right now, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and then you'll be notified every time I come up with a new, um, a new episode. And if you're on linkedin and facebook or anywhere connected with me Wednesday, it's at 66 PM Eastern Standard time. I do OSHA compliance help livestream, get your questions answered on this livestream. So go ahead and reach out to me that way. Alright, have yourself a wonderful week. Go get him.

[00:20:31] spk_1: This episode has been powered by safety FM. Reviews and opinions expressed on this podcast or broadcast. Are those of the host of its guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the company. Examples of analysis discussed within the past hour are only examples. They should not be utilized in the real world as the only solution available as they are based on very limited and dated. Open source information, assumptions made within this analysis are not reflective of the position of the company. No part of this podcast or broadcast may be reproduced stored within retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means mechanical, electronic recording or otherwise, without prior written permission of the creator of the podcast or broadcast Children Bryant mm.

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