Mind Witchery
A Spell for Getting Unstuck
April 1, 2021
Wherever you’re stuck - on a project or a decision, in a job or a relationship - this powerful spell will help to get you back into the flow of life . . . and the flow of life back into you. Mentioned: , by Walt Whitman , by Elizabeth Gilbert !!...

Wherever you’re stuck - on a project or a decision, in a job or a relationship - this powerful spell will help to get you back into the flow of life . . . and the flow of life back into you.


Song of Myself, by Walt Whitman

Big Magic, by Elizabeth Gilbert

Walt’s Selfie Game!!

I didn’t talk about Whitman’s whiteness in this episode, but it requires our attention. This essay is a great start.

Make magic:
Practice doing just a little more of what you WANT, and observe the difference it makes. How’s your mood? Your energy? Your vibe?

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