Starting a Counseling Practice with Kelly + Miranda of zynnyme
Starting a thriving practice from scratch in 2022
March 8, 2022
Check out this FREE training for therapists to help you lay the groundwork so you can start creating a practice that works for YOU.
You’re so needed right now, and the demand is high, but that doesn't mean opening your business magically leads to a full caseload and a great paycheck. You want to provide quality care to clients in a way that’s sustainable, but you weren’t taught about business in grad school!

Check out this FREE training for therapists to help you lay the groundwork so you can start creating a practice that works for YOU.

And remember: There’s no one-size-fits-all business — it’s about identifying the steps that move you toward the life and business you want (your vision, NOT someone else’s).

Learn more about Business School for Therapists: