The Happy Nurse
035: Self Care During Pregnancy With Chambrie Ferrier
February 22, 2021
Pregnancy can change women. Having a small human growing inside us can affect us physically, emotionally, and mentally. During this phase, many of us set aside self care as we adjust to our pregnancy. However, some of us manage to adjust and celebrate this new experience. In this episode, I talk with my good friend Chambrie about how her pregnancy has changed her. She and I share our woes, unusual cravings, self care practices, and ways to connect with our babies. We also discuss the importance of asking for help from our family and friends. TOPICS WE DISCUSSED INCLUDE: Pregnancy woes (02:00) Support from someone going through the same journey (07:30) Embrace indulgent self care and help (09:23) Give your body what it asks for (12:48) Don’t be afraid to ask for and receive help (17:52) Sleep (19:16) Work with what you’ve got and go with the flow (24:55) Support in different ways (27:26) Connecting with your baby through meditation and journaling (31:19) Struggling to connect is normal (40:11) Work and pregnancy (42:07) CONNECT WITH CHAMBRIE FERRIER Connect with Chambrie on LinkedIn Follow her on Facebook CONNECT WITH ELAINA MULLERY Connect with me on Instagram and Facebook Connect with me on LinkedIn Subscribe to my Youtube channel For full show notes and links visit: