The Art of Health™ by Rob Bee
Shake Off the Tired Vibes and Create the Life You Love with Anna Bain
September 7, 2021
Anna Bain is an energy-obsessed Scottish red head (with an English accent)! Who loves animals, the great outdoors and live music. She just loves talking all things energy and helping people shake off the tired vibes and rebel against the status quo of living life with low energy.
Have you been living under stress and pressure lately? Does it feel like you’re getting caught up with being busy busy busy... and the habits that come with that? 
We are all busy individuals, overwhelmed by the pressure of living in today’s world.

Join us today as we interview Anna Bain, a tiredness and energy specialist, Integrative Health Coach and EFT Practitioner from Lifestyle Rebelz.
Anna Bain is an energy-obsessed Scottish red head (with an English accent)! Who loves animals, the great outdoors and live music. She just loves talking all things energy and helping people shake off the tired vibes and rebel against the status quo of living life with low energy.
In this episode, Anna talks about stress and the busyness in life and shows us a powerful technique that is proven to help you feel better. She also mentions valuable resources you can access in order to finally shake the tired vibes off and live the life you love.
What you will learn from this episode:
“Find a practice that works for you and allows you to have that moment of calm, even if it’s a minute, two minutes, or five minutes.”  Anna Bain
Valuable Free Resource:
Topics Covered:

02:12 – The biggest challenge that people face as they age with regard to staying fit, well, and positive: (1) getting caught up in the busyness of life and (2) the structure of a society that doesn’t generally account that humans are cyclic in nature.
06:05 – The common mistakes or misconceptions that people have about solving that problem of overwhelm and outsourcing: People develop patterns and habits and that means that they reach for those things that they’re getting cravings for.
07:41 – The number one tip; a tangible specific action that people could implement right away: “Find a practice that works for you and allows you to have that moment of calm or find that moment of calm, even if it’s a minute, two minutes, or five minutes.”
11:13 – Free resource: Shake off the tired vibes by signing up to and get access to 5 simple ways to revitalize your energy.
Key Takeaways:
“We live in a society today where there’s just so much demand on doing, doing, doing, achievement, success, and not enough focus on being.” – Anna Bain
“Carbohydrates and sugars are the number one impactor of inflammation within the body. All then have an impact on your microbiome and your gut bacteria and they’re all intrinsically linked and it all stems from the mind.” – Anna Bain
“All emotions are the number one impactor on the habits that we form.” – Anna Bain
“EFT is a holistic healing modality. You literally just tap on certain parts of your face, and by tapping, you are indicating to the amygdala that it’s okay, that you’re safe, that you can calm.” – Anna Bain
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