So Crisp with Jay Crisp Crow
How To CTA Without Being SUS | Cuppa Copy Minicopysolosode
October 22, 2020
Cuppa Copy has been percolated especially for copywriters, marketing pros, virtual assistants and anyone looking to write words that sell. It's delivered in slurpable sips - quick caffeinated shots of copy, branding, and messaging ideas fast enough to consume before your coffee goes cold. Jay Crisp Crow writes premium, blow your hair back website and email copy for brands and businesses and teaches women in business how to do exactly the same thing, now she's also in your ears with her delicious brew of organically, sustainably, ethically, and biodynamically grown copy tips and advice. Pop on the kettle and don't be latte, it's time for Cuppa Copy. And we're starting with the humble CTA - Call To Action. Go on, listen now. (And that's a CTA!) Grab the shownotes here. Want a CTA Cuppa Copy review? You bring the chai latte, I'll pick on your funky buttons (and other bits o' copy). Book it here.
Cuppa Copy has been percolated especially for copywriters, marketing pros, virtual assistants and anyone looking to write words that sell. It’s delivered in slurpable sips - quick caffeinated shots of copy, branding, and messaging ideas fast enough to consume before your coffee goes cold.

Jay Crisp Crow writes premium, blow your hair back website and email copy for brands and businesses and teaches women in business how to do exactly the same thing, now she’s
also in your ears with her delicious brew of organically, sustainably, ethically, and biodynamically grown copy tips and advice. Pop on the kettle and don’t be latte, it’s time for Cuppa Copy.

And we’re starting with the humble CTA - Call To Action.

Go on, listen now.

(And that’s a CTA!)

Grab the shownotes here.

Want a CTA Cuppa Copy review? You bring the chai latte, I’ll pick on your funky buttons (and other bits o’ copy). Book it here.