EP83.S3 Taxation: Pensioners and High Networth Individual | Claudio Quartana
gguttalks | design | creativity | entrepreneurship | leadership
EP83.S3 Taxation: Pensioners and High Networth Individual | Claudio Quartana
May 16, 2023
This is the 7th conversation [EP77 to 84 S3] with Claudio Quartana, Partner at EY, focusing on personal tax. We discuss personal taxes and their links to corporate taxes, migration and digital nomadism, incentives available in Italy, the startup regime, and things that matter to employees, business owners and freelancers when it comes to their relationship with money and moving around countries. Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.
This is the 7th conversation [EP77 to 84 S3] with Claudio Quartana, Partner at EY, focusing on personal tax. We discuss personal taxes and their links to corporate taxes, migration and digital nomadism, incentives available in Italy, the startup regime, and things that matter to employees, business owners and freelancers when it comes to their relationship with money and moving around countries.

Disclaimer: Views and opinions are his own in the entire segment.

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