Influence By Design
Your Ideal Client Avatar
March 17, 2021
Customer avatar. Client avatar. Ideal client avatar. Whatever you call it, it is one of the most important foundational elements to know when you’re building or growing a business or program.  However, once this project is completed, it usually...

Customer avatar. Client avatar. Ideal client avatar. Whatever you call it, it is one of the most important foundational elements to know when you’re building or growing a business or program. 

However, once this project is completed, it usually doesn’t get re-visited which mean down the track, it may not be aligned with your business anymore.

In this episode, we dive deep into the importance of developing and knowing your ideal client avatar. We also share tips on how you can create and really get to know your ideal client avatar, and keep it aligned with your business. 


For full show notes and links visit: