Video Marketing Secrets | Simple Strategies for Outrageous ROI
The Power of Co-working - with Felena Hanson
May 31, 2016
Dr. Angela E. Lauria is the founder of The Author Incubator™ and creator of the Difference Process™ for writing a book that matters. She host of the popular Book Journeys Radio and ^Page UP^ podcasts. Helping people free their inner author since...

Dr. Angela E. Lauria is the founder of The Author Incubator™ and creator of the Difference Process™ for writing a book that matters. She host of the popular Book Journeys Radio and ^Page UP^ podcasts. Helping people free their inner author since 1994, Angela has created almost 200 bestselling authors in the last 2 years. She is the author of the bestselling book The Difference: 10 Steps to Writing a Book that Matters and The Incubated Author: 10 Steps to Start a Movement with Your Message. Her clients have been seen everywhere from Vanity Fair to O Magazine to the Today Show. She lives at The Author Castle in McLean, Virginia with her husband Paul, her son Jesse, and their ebony and ivory colored Castle cats. 

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