124 Understanding How Intergenerational Trauma's Impact on Our Behavior
Heartfelt Awakening Radio with Deni Van
124 Understanding How Intergenerational Trauma's Impact on Our Behavior
September 29, 2023
In this interview, Elizabeth Kipp , author of "The Way Through Chronic Pain," discusses the impact of intergenerational trauma on our behavior patterns.
In this interview, Elizabeth Kipp, author of "The Way Through Chronic Pain," discusses the impact of intergenerational trauma on our behavior patterns. She explains how these unconscious patterns can keep us stuck in unhealthy cycles and offers tools to reclaim our healing power. If you're struggling with chronic pain or feel trapped by your past, this video will provide valuable insights and practical strategies for moving forward. Don't miss out on this powerful conversation.

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Free Offer: Ancestral Clearing Prayers Ebook https://bit.ly/FreeACPrayers
Ancestral Clearing Prayers
Make peace with your past at last
Release old patterns and limitations that are keeping you from moving forward in life with this powerful collection of 10 Ancestral Clearing Prayers encoded with a direct connection to Consciousness, the true source of healing and well-being.

Watch here 👇👇👇
In the interview, we discussed 'Conquer Chronic Pain: 

Conquer Chronic Pain An Innovative Mind-Body Approach 

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If you're interested in exploring more books on chronic pain management, check out the #ChronicPainBooks for additional recommendations.

cover 📷:Elizabeth Kipp