What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Q & A #892
Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?
What Would Jeff Do? Dog Training Q & A #892
November 3, 2022
This episode originally aired on November 2nd, 2022 In this episode: Jeff and co-host Angelo discuss travel & expanded podcast schedules.. Also, a listener asks: Does a high-drive dog need to know I'm the boss? Jeff responds: It's not about being the boss, it's about being the leader. It's not through yelling and screaming, it's about being believable to the dog and there are lots of ways to do that.
This episode originally aired on November 2nd, 2022
In this episode: Jeff and co-host Angelo discuss travel & expanded podcast schedules..
Also, a listener asks: Does a high-drive dog need to know I'm the boss? Jeff responds: It's not about being the boss, it's about being the leader. It's not through yelling and screaming, it's about being believable to the dog and there are lots of ways to do that.

Join Jeff LIVE for Q&A on Facebook and YouTube. We are on 6-7pm EST on Wednesday and Friday for WWJD Dog Training Q&A. Our single-topic show is on five days a week, Mon-Friday 8AM EST.
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