Starting a Counseling Practice with Kelly + Miranda of zynnyme
Doubled My Caseload, Tripled Income, and Clients are Ideal
March 13, 2018
Hear how Joanne used free resources to build her private practice as a prelicensed therapist.
Stories are powerful. A lot of pre-licensed therapists hear, and perpetuate the belief that "I'm just an intern" "I'm just pre-licensed." "When I'm licensed, I will..." "When I'm licensed I can...."  While it is true that there are paramaters as a pre-licensed therapists most of the parameters I come in contact with from pre-licensed therapists have nothing to do with law, ethics, or what is best for the client. JoAnne B. Kim is an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in San Jose, Ca who is an excellent example of someone who is doing the work.  Listen to her share her journey from working in an agency sitting a windowless cubicle having a powerful ahah moment after watching this private practice vision training to creating a private practice that creates a win/win/win for her, her clients, and the therapists in her community.