Nutrition Heretic
Poisoning Our Children: André Leu in Hawaii, Part 1: No longer beonfused about the safety of pesticides and GMO foods
July 31, 2018
Are you: -Confused about the safety of pesticides and GMO foods? -Wondering how much they outperform their organic counterparts? -Curious to know how to choose what's best for your family without becoming a basket case? Welcome to this special edition of the Nutrition Heretic Podcast. After my last interview with André Leu for our Frenching Your Food Telesummit, I invited him to come speak on the Big Island of Hawai'i. Today's edition is the full presentation that André gave to our local audience. Come back later in the week for the breakfast Talk Story where we sat down for a more informal discussion with André. This presentation is also available on video on YouTube.