Sit, Breathe, Bow
Ofosu Jones-Quartey (Born I)
April 25, 2019
Pay Attention To Your Life With Kindness

Ofosu Jones-Quartey aka Born I has been practicing meditation since 1999. In 2002, he met his teacher, Bhante Buddharakkhita, who taught him Vipassana meditation in the Burmese tradition. Ofosu has taught with the Insight Meditation Community of Washington D.C. since 2004 and has also served as a guest teacher with the Insight Meditation Society. He is currently a guest teacher at Spirit Rock Meditation Center. Ofosu has been working with Minds, Incorporated since 2014 to bring mindfulness practice to schools. Ofosu is also an accomplished hip hop and electronic music artist, performing under the stage name Born I and often weaves his Buddhist philosophy into his music. He currently lives in the Washington DC area with his wife and their four children.

You can listen to some of Ofosu's dharma talks on dharmaseed:

You can find out about his retreat schedule with IMCW here:

And at Spirit Rock here:

Sit, Breathe, Bow is hosted by Ian White Maher

Sit, Breathe, Bow is sponsored by the Online Sangha of the International Kwan Um School of Zen

Listeners are eligible for a free month of training by using the promo code "sitbreathebow"