The Impact Multiplier CEO
S13E39: How to land your mission and message with impact, with Jack Murray (CEO, Media HQ)
May 23, 2024
How can you land your mission, and your message, with real logical and emotional impact?
That's the question Richard explores today with Jack Murray, entrepreneur and the CEO of MediaHQ, a leading Irish SaaS company that has revolutionized the PR and communications industry with its comprehensive media contacts database and press release distribution tools. Jack is also an author, having penned "The Magic Slice," where he explores the art of storytelling in business.

In this conversation, you’ll learn:

Resources/sources mentioned:
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00:00 Intro
06:21 Formal education designed for the industrial age
11:45 Funny moments during the storyteller course
14:15 Define mission, goal, and success for clarity
22:28 Challenges experienced managers face
25:00 Introducing two transformative coaching programs for executives.
28:45 The Designer learns lessons in audience understanding and impact.
31:22 Identifying key trends
34:24 Importance of storytelling in creating engaging content.
49:04 Wrap up