Getting to Clarity: Creating MORE Success With Less Sacrifice
How to Stop Sabotaging Your Own Career Success
May 3, 2024
Understanding and addressing the ways we might be sabotaging our own career success is key. It’s about realizing that while the road to professional achievement is a journey, there are often internal roadblocks we set up (perhaps without knowing it) that can hinder our progress. These obstacles aren’t just bumps in the road; they can become permanent barriers if we don't learn how to navigate them correctly. It's not a one-time fix but a continuous process of self-awareness and adjustment.
 What is Self-Sabotage? 

Self-sabotage in a career context occurs when we actively or passively take steps to prevent ourselves from reaching our goals. This behavior might manifest as procrastination, self-doubt, sticking too rigidly to comfort zones, or playing small, among others. It often originates from deeper psychological issues related to past situations at work and fear - like fear of failure, fear of judgment, or even fear of success. 

Common Forms of Career Self-Sabotage 

Catch It, Challenge It, and Change It
To tackle these self-sabotaging behaviors, I’ve developed a simple framework called "Catch It, Challenge It, and Change It":

For instance, if you're hesitating to apply for a leadership position because you believe you're not fully qualified, first catch yourself holding back due to this limiting belief. Challenge this notion by realistically assessing your skills and experience—what does 'qualified enough' look like? Then, change your approach by setting a specific date to update your resume and submit your application, aiming for 'qualified enough' rather than perfect.
What’s next?

If you find yourself resonating with any of these behaviors, it’s time to take a step back and start using the "Catch It, Challenge It, and Change It" framework. Begin by identifying one area where you’ve been your own roadblock. Apply the framework daily, and watch as your career starts to align more closely with your ambitions and potential.

Remember, the path to clarity and success isn’t always straight. It’s filled with learning and growth. Write down one action you can take within the next 48 hours. Keep me posted!

If you’re an organization ready to dive deeper and truly harness the power of your people, consider one of my Clarity-Driven Leadership programs at

Until next time, here’s wishing you the Clarity you deserve to make the Impact you desire! 



Would you like to know the answers to your next steps, next level, or next chapter in your career or leadership? Then, get the FREE resource that guides you to get the right answers for you for what's next! Go to to get your own copy and start getting the Clarity you deserve! 

For more strategies on how to lead with clarity and authenticity, check out my Clarity-Driven Leadership Programming at


Important Links for More Clarity:



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