Sales Team Rescue with Jeremy DeMerchant
Selling with Suspense w/Jason Patrunik
November 11, 2020
This week Jeremy interviews Jason Petrunik. Jason is a former major market radio announcer who after 17 years, stepped away from the microphone and walked into the world of direct sales and network marketing. Jason quickly became one of the company's global leaders acquiring customer acquisition and went on to grow one of the largest teams in North America. Now Jason is the C0-owner of Trade Shows that are referred to as Showcase. He dibble dabbled in real estate as a small dog sitting company and has a podcast he calls The LaunchPad and is in the process of writing a personal development book. And he's been all over social media, talking about the next big thing.
This week Jeremy interviews Jason Petrunik. Jason (nickname Nick) is a former major market radio announcer who after 17 years, stepped away from the microphone and walked into the world of direct sales and network marketing. Jason quickly became one of the company's global leaders acquiring customer acquisition and went on to grow one of the largest teams in North America. Now Jason is the CO Owner of Trade Shows that are referred to as Showcase.  He dibble dabbled in real estate as a small dog sitting company and has a podcast he calls The LaunchPad and is in the process of writing a personal development book. And he's been all over social media, talking about the next big thing. 

In this episode you will hear:

“ Right now, when I'm launching a company, I truly believe leading with a heart always wins.”
“In regards to ideal clients, everyone should have an idea of what that is no matter what business that they're getting started in, even with MLM”

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