That's Teaching Life
After Life Or This Life?
February 25, 2022
I've been watching after life a lot this week, and it's really made an impact and there are many lessons we can learn from this.
You're listening to the That's Life podcast by Richard Butler. Where I talk about everything to do with life and how to make it better. Hey, welcome to another podcast episode and today I want to talk to you about a program on netflix that have been watching called After Life. 

Now you may or may not have heard of this program. It's written and directed by Ricky Gervais who is a comedian, a british comedian, known for his work with the mock documentary, The Office and Ricky Gervais is the kind of guy that you either love or hate. And he's really changed his role in this problem called Afterlife, which is about a man who, well he's really, really heartbroken because he lost his wife to cancer. 

And in each episode we see him watching video recordings of his wife and of her progression through the cancer, but also happy, joyful moments like weddings and things that they had done together. He's very bitter, he's very sad about the whole thing obviously because he says this is the woman that he really loved and she was taken away and you know, he progresses from being completely bitter towards the world to easing up a little bit so far from the second series that I've seen. But it makes me think a lot Because he talks about if only I had five minutes more and in yesterday's episode he was he was reminiscing and he was saying, you know, I think of all those times that I didn't dance with my wife, lisa was her name and I've only had five minutes more. 

I would dance for those five minutes and it makes you think that sometimes we are so busy with everything. So busy with work, so busy with life. We can't do this, we can't do that. And we ignore opportunities. And we may never get those opportunities again. And it made me think, I mean, you know, sometimes maybe when we go out and I just don't feel like going out, I don't feel like dancing or whatever it may be and I don't do it. 

And then what happens when those opportunities are gone and we can't go back to doing that dance with the person that you love are spending that time and with everything that's going on in the world right now. I mean, we've had the covid right now. We have the Russian Ukraine problem. We may put things off. We may not appreciate what we have, we may complain about. Oh my God, I'm working so much. Oh my God, I don't have time for this. Oh my God, I have to save money for a rainy day. And we're not enjoying life. And I posted on linkedin the other day and asked, what did people want more of? And it appears that people would like me to talk more about good news. So here's the good news today. You can do anything that you want today. 

You can enjoy the time with your loved ones, be that your partner, your girlfriend, your boyfriend or all three of them, who cares, do what you want, do, what makes you happy. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. I mean if you've been thinking about asking the girl out in the office are asking that guy out that you see every day on the bus, why not do it? Don't live a life of regrets or a life of I wonder what it would have been like if I had had the balls to ask that person on a date to dance that dance with my husband or my wife to really just let go and dance like nobody's looking. I mean you've probably heard people say before that you know this life is not a rehearsal, this is the only life that we have and ask yourself and reflect and decide on whether you are living your best life. 

Are you doing everything that you want? Because You know, I don't think back in five years time in 10 years time and think if only I had done that. If only we had done that holiday. If only I had tried that. If only I had risked everything to work for myself like I did last year. Um Yeah, maybe it won't work out, maybe it will, but it's better not to think. I wonder whether it would have worked out. I mean so far, I took a risk. I left a full time job here in spain which you know, it's hard to come by and I knew that at my age I wouldn't get another job again. 

Not that I wanted another job, I wanted to work for myself. And that risk has paid off so far now. I'm enjoying the moment I'm going with the flow because I don't know how long that will last. Although I'm very hopeful that will last a long, long time. But you see what I mean, Take that risk, take that chance, do what you want to do as long as you're not hurting anybody now, I'd love to know your comments on this podcast. 

If you are listening to this on Spotify and Itunes, if you saw the link on linkedin or on facebook, drop me a comment and just say, Hey, Richard, I really enjoyed that. Or could we talk more about that? Because I want your ideas. I want this podcast to be the best podcast for you, the best living, your best life. And you know, I'm going to talk to you in the next podcast. So let me know, have a great day. If you enjoyed this podcast, make sure that you subscribe and check out my website. Richard Butler dot coach. I'll see you next time

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