The Business of Personal Brand Photography
Epicly Wisdomous
February 13, 2023
Paula shares about epicly wisdomous.

Last week as I was driving with my beautiful teenager after I picked her up from school, and she was enthusiastically recalling something that had happened in one of her classes that day.

Her teacher asked something that stuck up some debate (particularly in my daughter) but it really made me look at how we photographers work.

In this episode, I’m going to share proud momma moments and some awesome teenage wisdom I think we can all listen to once in a while.

Because let’s face it, the photography industry, social media, the media.. all instill so much pressure on what other people think of you. 

If you are struggling with comparisonitus, perfectionism or are just overthinking everything, take a little listen to see what some wisdom from someone who is not layered with all the gabage we put on ourselves can share!

To get to know Paula and get insight into her work, click here & Follow her on Instagram here.

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