Future of Humanity
Crooked Teeth, Breathing, and a Hidden Epidemic of the Human Jaw - Episode 2
May 30, 2018
 In this episode, authors of Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic, Dr. Sandra Khan and Dr. Paul Ehrlich discuss the evolution of the human jaw throughout time and how today, humans face a pressing epidemic of shrinking jaws. In order for people to become more aware of their dental health, Dr. Kahn and Dr. Ehrlich urge people to ask their orthodontists questions on why teeth must be removed, whether for health or cosmetic reasons.

 In this episode, authors of Jaws: The Story of a Hidden Epidemic, Dr. Sandra Khan and Dr. Paul Ehrlich discuss the evolution of the human jaw throughout time and how today, humans face a pressing epidemic of shrinking jaws. They state that the decreasing size of the human jaw has created more breathing and allergy problems and suggest that parents should address the problem by monitoring their children’s jaw growth. In order for people to become more aware of their dental health, Dr. Kahn and Dr. Ehrlich urge people to ask their orthodontists questions on why teeth must be removed, whether for health or cosmetic reasons.