That's Teaching Life
I totally forget it was a bank holiday!
May 25, 2021
How wonderful it was to totally forget it was a bank holiday
Episode transcript

Welcome to the That's Life podcast. You're listening to Richard Butler, where I show you how you can make your life better. Let's do this. 

Hey guys, Yes, I know it's Tuesday and I know this podcast is late, but I have a great excuse. And the excuse, the first excuse is it was my nephews 10th birthday yesterday. So we went out for lunch with him and his parents and then we ate cake and then we ate some more cake and then we had dinner and then ate more cake. So I'm all kicked out. But that's not the only reason that the podcast is on a Tuesday. The other reason is that yesterday was also a bank holiday here in Barcelona and I didn't even realize and that shocked me to my core because when I was an employee, I knew every single holiday that was coming up in every single month. In fact, the first thing I used to do when I went back to the office in january after the christmas break would be download the holiday calendar and I would know every single day that we had off and I would be looking at the calendar saying july is a difficult month because we have no free days, but august is great because we have, I know there was the 13th and 15th and some days we would have a double holiday because they would, they would give us a like make of what they call here, a bridge, that you might have a Tuesday and a thursday off and then they give you the Wednesday or you might just take the Wednesday off and that was amazing. 

And yesterday I had to stop and think because I was thinking, well I actually want to do a little bit of work today, I actually want to finish off a couple of tasks. I actually want to do whatever it may be and it's just a complete and utter mind shift from when I was an employee and yeah, today, okay, Tuesday. I felt a little bit stressed because I thought I have to catch up on all the work, but looking at my to do list, I've actually probably got most of the things, most the important things that I needed to get done done. So the big thing is that I think I've released the chains of being an employee and so far things have been going pretty good for me. Uh I do feel a little bit more relaxed. I do get a little bit stressed just when I have lots of things to do and I'm actually complaining because I actually have so much work. I have so many clients um that I'm like I can't breathe today because I have four clients but I shouldn't be doing that. I should be celebrating that because it's just so amazing. 

But you know the great thing is that working for myself now I can just take a day off. You know I don't have to plan in advance and say it's going to be you know in six weeks I'm going to have a day off if I want to take a friday afternoon off I can I know I'll probably have to work a little bit harder than next week but there's no problems. I can actually do that. So you know think about where you are. Think about how happy you are. Think about if you're in the job that you really want to be in because You know as I get older and yes I'm going to be 49 on 16 June. Remember that you can send me Uh e card or some of your comments, etc. But I do think about that. I think like what I'm 14 and 15, maybe another 20 years of work. Do I want to spend that doing something that it doesn't fulfill me Or do I want to do something that does fulfill me? Well, I've decided that at 49 an age where I'm actually probably unemployable, um I decided to do that to do what I wanted to do and to enjoy life. 

So as I keep saying, so far, everything is going well. Um do you live for the weekend? I still do, I still can't wait until the weekend comes along because it's just time to kick back and relax and I actually leave the laptop in the office. I may use my Macbook Air just to check a couple of things that I need to do every day to keep things ticking over. But I'm trying not to be addicted to this green and I've also found that, but I'm still learning this because I haven't internalized it that when you let go, things start to happen. Like just this, this last couple of days, I've had a couple of clients come in, I've had a couple of sales come in that I was trying to work out and it's because I just let go and I said, I'm not going to be checking my uh email every minute. I'm not going to be checking my Cryptocurrency every minute because I did that over the weekend. And it was awful because I don't know what happened to crypto last week, but it just, it just went crazy. But anyway, I digress. 

The point of this podcast is that if you feel that you are just living for every single day off, and you're not passionate about what you do, well maybe it's time to step back and think, is this what I want to do? I'm here to help you, you can, you know, hire me as your coach so that we can go through a step by step analysis of where you are and what your passion is and what you actually want to do in life and you know, all you need to do is just reach out to me privately. Um but I hope this podcast has found you well and I hope that you've enjoyed listening to it and of course feel free to share this podcast. Do subscribe if you're listening on Spotify or Itunes or if you're listening on be cast dot FM, make sure that you sign up and I'll talk to you next week. 

So listen have a great week and uh keep doing what you're doing and keep loving what your loving talk to you soon. I hope you enjoy this week's podcast. Check out Richard Butler dot coat and make sure that you subscribe.

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