How To Study For The MCAT With A Learning Disability
MCAT Mastery
How To Study For The MCAT With A Learning Disability
July 28, 2022
Preparing for the MCAT is hard enough on its own, but with a learning disability, it can become a lot harder! The good news is that even with a learning disability, you can ace the MCAT. How? Well, we'd like you to meet Michael, who was diagnosed with a learning disability and Tourette Syndrome before high school, and scored 517 (94th percentile) on the MCAT! He's truly an inspiration and has put in the effort to create this episode for you on how to study for the MCAT when you have a learning disability. We encourage you to watch it - whether you have a learning disability or not, you'll get something from it 🙂
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If you're looking for a similar score increase or are in a similar situation, check out these same strategies that Michael used. They'll help you as well! 👍

Enjoy the episode!

The MCAT Mastery Team
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