Dog comes in intense Separation Anxiety - Man in the Arena : Episode 2 (2020)
Dog Training Q&A What Would Jeff Do?
Dog comes in intense Separation Anxiety - Man in the Arena : Episode 2 (2020)
August 13, 2020
Dog comes in intense Separation Anxiety - Man in the Arena : Episode 2 (2020)

Dog comes in intense Separation Anxiety - Man in the Arena : Episode 2 (2020)

Man in the Arena #2 Dog comes in intense Separation Anxiety
The Man in the Arena series started to get folks to start thinking about what they should/would do to stop a dogs bad and dangerous behavior immediately so that then the training can begin. As a company that works with extremely serious cases on a daily basis on a board and train as well as traveling the world doing seminars where unwanted and dangerous behaviors need to be stopped immediately so that owners can actually start training their dogs it is important that light is shed on the struggles that owners face, the reality of what rehab and behavior modification is all about. So many families are struggling and cannot find answers and are left stuck, have to give up and sometimes a dog is put down because of these issues.
So in this edition when a dog comes in hot, highly aroused and is destructive, breaks out of crates and can harm themselves the behavior has to stop immediately that night, you cannot have your crates destroyed and if you use a stronger crate, often the dog will rip out its teeth without a care and you wake up to a blood bath.

We deal with a lot of separation anxiety cases and are able to stop it having the skill set to do so is important.


Join Jeff LIVE for Q&A on Facebook and YouTube. We are on 6-7pm EST on Wednesday and Friday for WWJD Dog Training Q&A. Our single-topic show is on five days a week, Mon-Friday 8AM EST.
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