Money Grows on Trees: the Podcast
Clearing Up Financial Jargon
April 16, 2023
After the response to last week’s explanation of What the Heck is Going on with the Banks, your Millionaire Money Mentor and Host of the Snobbie award winner for Best Podcast in Business/Marketing 2022, Lloyd Ross is back to clear up some of the Finacial Jargon you are hearing. He breaks it down so that you can listen to the news with a better education! Make sure to join the Money Grows on Trees Team
After the response to last week’s explanation of What the Heck is Going on with the Banks, your Millionaire Money Mentor and Host of the Snobbie award winner for Best Podcast in Business/Marketing 2022, Lloyd Ross is back to clear up some of the Finacial Jargon you are hearing. He breaks it down so that you can listen to the news with a better education! Make sure to join the Money Grows on Trees Team