Nutrition Heretic
Guest Heretic Cilla Whatcott - There is a Choice: Homeoprophylaxis
December 22, 2016
Most people have already made up their minds about vaccines. Some change their minds only after the unthinkable happens — autism, cancer or the loss of a child within a few hours of administration. No matter what your stance, Guest Heretic Cilla Whatcott has a viable option available that most people have never heard about: homeoprophylaxis. In today’s episode, you’ll learn what homeoprophylaxis is, the real story behind polio outbreaks of the early 1900s and why the US now has one of the highest infant mortality rates in the world despite requiring 7 times more vaccines than any other industrialized nation. Cilla Whatcott is a board-certified classical homeopath with a B.A. degree from Arizona State University, a diploma from the four year professional program at Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy, Minneapolis, MN and a PhD in Homeopathy.  She is an instructor at Normandale Community College.  Cilla is currently the director of Worldwide Choice – an organization familiarizing medically licensed providers with homeoprophylaxis and undertaking evidence-based research.  She offers individualized homeoprophylaxis programs for adults and children.