Rock Your Retirement Show
Men and Women in Retirement: Episode 138
August 6, 2018
Men and women when it comes to retirement Dr. Sara Yogev is a psychologist who helps people in marital and individual therapy, as well as career coaching. She was a professor at North Western University for 10 years and researched how people combine work life and family life. Her interest and expertise revolve around retirement. She decided to start working with marriages a long time ago. She believes the relationship with others is so important. In this episode, you will learn about * How to make your marriage work * Psychology of Retirement * Misconceptions about retirement * Psychological planning pre-retirement * Men and women in Retirement People spend a great amount of time preparing for the financial aspects of retirement but don’t plan for the psychological aspects of retirement. It is very important on a personal and couple level to prepare for this new phase of life. Two strong misconceptions revolved around retirement * People think they know how to do leisure. They don’t consider leisure that takes up one-fourth of your life is different than a one week or one-month vacation of leisure. * People are not aware retirement will create a lot of changes in marriages or significant relationships. Many domains need to be renegotiated. Men and women Depression in people over the age of 65 is rising. A lot of seniors are reporting, in addition to medical problems, psychological and depressive issues. Research shows 1/3 of retiree’s experience depression in the first two years of retirement. The group that tends to have the most difficult time retiring is professional women, even more than men. Research is consistently showing that there is very unhealthy alcohol consumption among seniors. Men tend to drink more than women. Both men and women report, in the first two years of retirement, low level of marital satisfaction and high level of conflict. Divorce is surprisingly rising the 50 plus age group. Loneliness is a very strong, negative influence on health. Tips for pre-retirement * Your vision for retirement might not match your significant other’s vision for retirement. Be prepared that there might be different expectations. * Disagreements don’t indicate you have a bad relationship. It means you need to adjust. * Know it’s a transition and there will be some bumps in the road. * Planning for retirement before you retire. Links The Baby Boomer 30-Day Journal The Couple’s Guide to Happy Retirement and Aging  Contact Sarah Phone: 842-470-1925 Image already added

Men and women when it comes to retirement Dr. Sara Yogev is a psychologist who helps people in marital and individual therapy, as well as career coaching. She was a professor at North Western University for 10 years and researched how people combine work life and family life. Her interest and expertise revolve around retirement. She […]

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