Fully Alive in Christ
Acts 24-26 - Surrendering our Expectations - Ryan Rhoden
October 2, 2022
Paul heard and was directed by God, and how that impacted how he carried himself through opposition, riots, physical attacks, arrests, trials and imprisonment. Hearing God clearly doesn’t guarantee smooth sailing and it does't insulate us from disappointment but it is about trusting God with the His timing and how it comes about. Let's see what we can learn from Paul in how he navigates this reality.

00:00 - What are being reformed around?
02:43 - Hearing God's Voice
04:48 - Carry God's Voice in Humility
07:33 - Finding Peace in God's Voice
09:02 - Partnering with God's Peace
11:47 - Paul’s trial before Felix
14:43 - Trial before Festus
17:13 - Trial before King Agrippa (Is this the moment)
20:07 - How Paul Navigates Disappointments
23:10 - Remaining Faithful
26:52 - Show up to the life is happening around you
28:08 - The Idol of Expectation
31:18 - Surrendering our Expectations
36:55 - Yielding to God
38:47 - How did Paul do it?
39:10 - Desire is an invitation to God
40:55 - Letting Go of Hope
42:44 - Prayer and Ministry