Alexa's Publishing Chat
{ep. 55} Promos, Marketing, & BookBub
November 16, 2021
One of the fastest ways to grow more readers and sell more books is by participating in paid promos. Samantha and Ashley talked to Alexa about the types of promos their company LitRing runs for fiction authors, as well as a lot about understanding and why you need to use BookBub.
Looking to talk about marketing and book promos and tools to help you organically grow your audience? You've come to the right place.

Key takeaways from Samantha and Ashley:

  1. Builders and other paid promotions can work just as well, if not better/quicker than organic growth, if done right and with a plan for vetting new readers.
  2. This industry is a community--use it! Especially when you’re new and just starting out, lean on other authors and their readerships/platforms to help better position you.
  3. BookBub is only one platform to learn, grow, and engage on. Start there… learn it, build, and excel. Then focus on the next. Don’t spread yourself too thin. You don’t have to be everywhere, doing everything, all at once. Focus and build your way up strategically.

Learn more about LitRing HERE. Coupon code writepub to save $5 on your next promo.
Learn more about Aurora Publicity HERE.

Download the BookBub Quick sheet here.

Samantha K. Williams: Founder/Director of Publicity

is a passionate marketer with 10+ years of professional marketing and public relations experience focused in the areas of content creation, social media, managing internal and external communications, branding, sales, advertising, graphic design, website development, and the creation and execution of marketing campaigns. Samantha has a B.A. in PR and advertising, and a master’s degree in management and marketing. She has turned her experience into an opportunity that helps authors sell more books and grow their platform, and has been working with authors and in publishing over the last five years. Fueled by her love of reading, she also enjoys connecting with other book lovers and helping them find new authors to enjoy. In her spare time she dabbles in writing contemporary romance. Samantha loves learning the ins and outs of publishing, making friends all over the world, and connecting with fellow authors and readers, all from her home in Southeastern Michigan. She fuels her insatiable dream-chasing with what some would consider an unhealthy amount of coffee, and she wouldn’t have her crazy busy life any other way. Feel free to email her if you want to chat.

Ashley Lobocki: Administrative Manager, Publishing Director

Ashley has always had a love for books! When she was a little girl, she enjoyed reading inspirational stories, biographies and mysteries laced with adventure. This love for adventure and passion led her into a career as a nurse. Ashley has spent the last 15 years working trauma, ER, ICU and administration, but has never lost that desire to get lost in another world. That passion for books has only grown. Who doesn’t love a good romance? Paranormal, Historical, Contemporary… if there’s a handsome man waiting for her at the end, she’s all in! Over the years, her respect for writers grew and she wanted to find a way to become involved. By combining her love of books with her knowledge of management, she became the perfect fit for Aurora! When she’s not tucked away under the covers with a steamy romance, you’re likely to find her at the hockey rink or the softball field. Yes, before you ask… she’s that mom. She’s married to a Navy Veteran she’s still desperately in love with, has two crazy teenage boys, a sassy, beautiful daughter, and three dogs that could easily classify as horses. Coffee keeps her sane, and an episode of The Goldberg’s reminds her that she’s not all that bad…. mostly. Feel free to email her if you ever want to chat.