Starting a Counseling Practice with Kelly + Miranda of zynnyme
Joe Sanok and the Four-Day Workweek
October 4, 2021
Joe Sanok joins Kelly to discuss how the 4-day workweek is the next natural evolution in business and how to achieve it.
In this episode, Kelly and Joe talk about how you need to slow down to speed up and that the old “work 5 days and try to recover in 2” is just leading to burnout.  Joe believes a 4-day workweek is the next natural step in the evolution of business because not only can you reduce burnout, but you can make more money working less time, and that extra time could be the missing piece in your work-life balance.

Joe came up with the idea of the shortened workweek when doing zynnyme’s Perfect Day exercise, and it's been such a building block of his life and practice that he's just published a book on the subject “Thursday is the New Friday.”  In the book, he shares the systems you need to have in place -- besides just good boundaries -- to help you get to that 4-day workweek.

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