The Physical Product Movement
An Incremental Approach To Distribution & Product Development with Chris Kirby, Founder at Ithaca Hummus
May 13, 2021
In this episode of the Physical Product Movement Podcast, we're joined by, Chris Kirby, Founder at Ithaca Hummus. Chris talks about how, as a chef, he got burned out of the restaurant business and how he then used this love of food to identify hummus as a new potential CPG category. Learn how Chris rented a commercial camp kitchen for $200 per month to make the initial batch of product, uses farmer's markets for distribution and gets valuable, direct feedback from his customers.
In this episode of the Physical Product Movement Podcast, we're joined by, Chris Kirby, Founder at Ithaca Hummus. Chris talks about how, as a chef, he got burned out of the restaurant business and how he then used this love of food to identify hummus as a new potential CPG category. Learn how Chris rented a commercial camp kitchen for $200 per month to make the initial batch of product, uses farmer's markets for distribution and gets valuable, direct feedback from his customers.

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