Present and Sober
James Swanwick: Unmasking the Truth about Alcohol
October 31, 2023
James Swanwick is an Australian-American investor, entrepreneur, speaker and former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN. He is the creator of the Alcohol Free Lifestyle, which helps people change their relationship to alcohol; the host of the podcast, “Alcohol Free Lifestyle”, creator of “Project 90”, which helps high achievers get lifetime power over alcohol, and creator of blue-light blocking glasses Swannies by Swanwick Sleep, which improve your sleep.
Present and Sober Podcast 
Episode 127
James Swanwick: Unmasking the Truth about Alcohol

James Swanwick is an Australian-American investor, entrepreneur, speaker and former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN. He is the creator of the Alcohol Free Lifestyle, which helps people change their relationship to alcohol; the host of the podcast, “Alcohol Free Lifestyle”, creator of “Project 90”, which helps high achievers get lifetime power over alcohol, and creator of blue-light blocking glasses Swannies by Swanwick Sleep, which improve your sleep.

James's Links

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And now for that disclaimer...

Nothing on the Present & Sober podcast, including Ellie, Sam's and our guest's opinions, is a substitute for medical advice. Don’t stop drinking suddenly if you’re physically dependent on alcohol. Seek help for any withdrawal symptoms from a medical professional.