That's Teaching Life
Make your world a better place
February 24, 2022
The world is going crazy but what can you do? Find out in this episode of that's life
You're listening to the That's Life podcast by Richard Butler, where I talk about everything to do with life and how to make it better. 

Hey, you're welcome to another podcast episode. And you know, today I want to talk about the effect that the news is having on us, because over the last two years, the world has gone through some major major but changes and we've had mind shifts. 

We have, of course, had to the whole covid experience where we're still trying to come to terms with, um, not having seen people for so long. We have kids who are now not sure whether they want to go back to school. Do we go back into crowded places, etcetera, etcetera? And then, of course, we have other things like the price of, uh, life in general is going up. We have wars coming up and everything. 

So how can you actually survive in an environment like this? Well, I think the first thing that we must do is we must reduce our intake at the news because the more we get focused on the news, the more we get this input of negativity and this input of negativity makes us feel more anxious and we need to know more about what's happening in the world and then we get more negative and it's like a cycle effect. 

And I'm not a good effect because what it is doing is pounding our fears and we're compounding are anxiety as well, and there's so many good things in the world at the moment. I mean, what you need to start doing is you need to start looking at what is out there in the world and say, Hey, I never realised that the park was so close to my house or I never realised that this cafe was sent here to my house. I'm going to go out and have a cup of coffee now. This is not an attitude of hiding away from reality. This is an attitude of what changing your attitude. I'm rather than saying negative things. See the positive things that are out there because you know, we can live a life of saying that everything is going wrong. I mean, the world is in chaos, but we can't control that. 

I mean, right now I can't do anything to change whether people get vaccinated or don't get vaccinated, whether people have covered passports or they don't whether what's happening right now on the 24th of February 2022 um, whether Russia will continue its invasion of the Ukraine or not. All I can do is control my circumstances, and that's really important because you can't control anybody else's circumstances or anything else that happens in the world. You control your world, and how you react is really important. 

Because do you look at the world and say, Oh my God, the world is absolute crap. I'm not gonna do anything Or do you say, Yeah, the world has its problems, but and by making my world a little bit better, maybe when I interact with people, they will get some of my positivity and that could have an effect. I'm not saying that will, but at least, I mean, if you meet somebody that's more positive, well, then you feel a little bit more positive, right? If you meet somebody that's negative, you also get a little bit negative. 

So think about that, and that's my thought for today. I mean, there's a short podcast today, but I want to get back into podcasting on a regular basis so that I can help you. And please leave me any questions, Any comments, any thoughts and make sure that you subscribe to this podcast if you haven't already subscribed and I'll talk to you very, very soon if you enjoy this podcast and make sure that you subscribe and check out my website Richard butler dot coach RCN next time.

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