Starting a Counseling Practice with Kelly + Miranda of zynnyme
Reverse Bucket List: Creating Your Private Practice Vision
March 18, 2020
The work you do as a clinician is sacred. For all the studying we do and the techniques we refine, at its core the magic lies within the relationship you have with clients.But running the business side of way can prove to be a distraction from the awe...

The work you do as a clinician is sacred. For all the studying we do and the techniques we refine, at its core the magic lies within the relationship you have with clients.

But running the business side of way can prove to be a distraction from the awe of the work sometimes. You get bogged down in the to-do's of running your business, seeing your clients and trying to meet the demands of your personal life as well.

But if you are watching this, you have an opportunity to take just a few minutes and reflect.

What have you accomplished? What are you proud of? What do you know now more deeply than ever?

Now is the time to create your Reverse Bucket List.

It is from this list that you can move into your visioning for the new year. We have a whole challenge on creating your vision. It's perfect for planning, or when you feel stuck or when you need to get the creative juices going.