The Stretch Therapy Podcast
Dave and Kit’s Coffee shop conversations, #1
May 19, 2015
"The Origins of Stretch Therapy, and Deep Well Being" Part one of a new series, Dave Wardman interviews Kit, and together they explore the origins of our collective work. Influences include G. Spencer Brown, Anthony Wilden, Alfred Korzybski, the Buddha, and countless students, here and overseas. Kit talks about how he discovered some of the core techniques of ST (before finding that, of course, he was only re-discovering what others had found!), and Dave asks Kit about some of his major influences in his thinking. Time stamped show notes: 00:00 - Origins of Stretch Therapy 01:00 - Kit goes to dance classes! 02:00 - “Rubber Man” 03:00 - my fellow students at the dance classes 04:15 - the way Kit used to move 05:00 - Kit goes to Japan, first breakthrough 06:15 - Kit rediscovers contraction stretching 07:10 - our mind are lying to us all the time! 08:00 - applying contractions to all of Mr Iyengar’s poses 08:45 - Greg’s invention of the ‘bent-leg’ approach to hamstring stretching 09:45 - Kit was extremely flexible—and completely unstable 10:45 - back pain and hip flexors 11:30 - experimenting at the ANU in exercise classes 13:15 - “tinkering” and retesting: the core of the method 14:45 - Dave describes his experiences in class 15:45 - your perception is a lie 16:30 - the body is experiencing sheer panic! 17:10 - “What else have I been wrong about?” 19:10 - what are the real limits in the experience of life? 20:30 - “breaching the height envelope” 21:15 - One element we have not talked about: relaxation 23:55 - When you can relax enough in daily life, everything will change 24:30 - Reich and character armour 26:00 - “No unnecessary tension” 26:55 - Dave describes how he learned deep relaxation 28:30 - having the experience of being deeply relaxed as an option to return to 29:10 - Liv and alignment 30:00 - “Grasp the nettle!” 31:15 - restrictions are cyclic 32:00 - Olga’s story and her experience of becoming aware of her fear habit 34:40 - Kit’s road into learning deep relaxation 37:30 - There’s work to be done, right here 38:15 - “I’ll just do this, then…” 39:25 - Sometimes when doing physical work, a change can happen 40:35 - “You are changing with every breath—or perhaps you haven’t noticed? 41:30 - Our bodies are tied to the Earth in a way our minds are not 42:40 - There is no user’s guide to the human body; we are making one 43:45 - The learning process is a two-way process 44:50 - It’s new, all the time 45:40 - “How do you stay enthusiastic?” 46:10 - the privilege of teaching 46:45 - Dave argues the word “therapy” is not completely fitting 47:00 - “You can’t give people self-knowledge 47:15 - “You can lead a horse to water…” 48:00 - Science is looking in the wrong place 48:45 - Why science likes “cause” 49:15 - Dave discusses the mindset he began ST training with 50:15 - Practitioners never deal with single cause problems 51:00 - When Dave and Kit first met: the contents of the bookcase! 52:00 - the problems of consistency 52:15 - there are no contradictions in nature 53:45 - Nature is complete, seamless, undivided 54:20 - Kit apologises for never having mentioned Alfred Korzybski to Dave 54:45 - Dave explains why he wanted to record a CSC: all the things D&K are discussing are not in Kit’s books! 55:30 - Kit talks about G. Spencer Brown 56:20 - The mind divides the Universe 57:30 - Dave’s experience of ST: “stretch therapy plus extra”. K&D agree to record CSC #2