Alexa's Publishing Chat
{ep. 79} Why you should make your book NOT returnable to avoid this costly mistake
January 25, 2023
One simple mistake can cost you all of your royalties and cause you to owe money. This episode is a case study of why you should make your book NOT returnable on IngramSpark during pre-order and launch, based on a recent book launch.
Are you using IngramSpark to publish your book? You should if you want your book in bookstores and libraries. But there are some key things you need to know to make sure you don't wind up having returns and owing money back for the fees incurred after your launch.

In this episode, Alexa Bigwarfe digs into a recent situation in which a book received heavy returns, eating all of the royalties earned and resulting in a debt to the distributor.

A simple change can avoid this - making your book NOT returnable.

Listen in to hear what happened and how to avoid returns.

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