I.T. Overdrive
I.T. Outsourced Services, Are They Worth It? It's a Relationship, Not A Business Contract.
June 8, 2021
Are you getting your money's worth from the I.T. guy you hired? You brought him in, you can see him every day. You see him at eight and leaving at five and know he's here, which means he has to be doing something, right? Once you factor in salary, benefits, vacation time, and everything that goes along with hiring someone, is it worth it? And you also have to remember that person can also leave at any time. (And technology guys are notorious for job hopping.) With an outsource provider, you get consistency. It's the same all the time, no matter what, and. The cost is always much lower than hiring in-house for a small to mid-size business. When I'm out meeting with potential clients, the one thing that I focus on is establishing trust and a relationship, not necessarily the technical knowledge, which obviously we have, but I want to make them feel good about doing business with Herod technology. I want to make them feel comfortable, feel like we're going to be a great partner for them, and this is going to be nice and easy, and they're going to have no issues. And they don't. Our turnover with clients is very low. I bet I can count on one hand in the last 20 years, the clients, we have lost due to them going to another provider. I've got clients that have been with me since day one. And you know, they stick around because we see this as a relationship, not a business contract. Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/2
Are  you getting your money's worth from the I.T. guy you hired? You brought him in, you can see him every day. You see him at eight and leaving at five and know he's here, which means he has to be doing something, right?

Once you factor in salary, benefits, vacation time, and everything that goes along with hiring someone, is it worth it? And you also have to remember that person can also leave at any time. (And technology guys are notorious for job hopping.) With an outsource provider, you get consistency. It's the same all the time, no matter what, and. The cost is always much lower than hiring in-house for a small to mid-size business.

When I'm out meeting with potential clients, the one thing that I focus on is establishing trust and a relationship, not necessarily the technical knowledge, which obviously we have, but I want to make them feel good about doing business with Herod technology.

I want to make them feel comfortable, feel like we're going to be a great partner for them, and this is going to be nice and easy, and they're going to have no issues. And they don't. Our turnover with clients is very low. I bet I can count on one hand in the last 20 years, the clients, we have lost due to them going to another provider.

I've got clients that have been with me since day one. And you know, they stick around because we see this as a relationship, not a business contract.

Get all links, resources and show notes at https://itoverdrivepodcast.com/2

Host info

Kelly Herrod, the founder and CEO of Herrod Technology, started the company in 2000 to provide simple IT solutions for small and mid-sized businesses. His personal approach, over 30 years experience and his ability to simplify IT sets him apart in the IT industry.

Website - https://herrodtech.com/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelly-herrod-27a1633/
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/herrodtech
Email - kelly@herrodtech.com