Mind Witchery
Potency Potion 2 - Vibes and Values
December 15, 2022
The next ingredient of our potency potion is values-based prioritizing.
The next ingredient of our potency potion

is values-based prioritizing.

Investing more awareness, intention, and energy

into making sure that your process is guided by your values.

I truly believe this will help you to

actually do what you want to do in the way that feels best.


timewitchery.com/planner, where you can get support centering your values with your very own Time Witchery planner.

Make Magic:

To infuse more values and vibes based prioritizing into your day,

note two things at the very top of whatever to-do list you have:

how you wanna feel while you're doing it, 

and why you are even doing it in the first place.

Transcript: Potency Potion 2 - Vibes and Values