Relationships First
How to Create a Long-Lasting Happy Relationship
December 13, 2022
How to Create a Long-Lasting Happy Relationship. Nothing in life is ever guaranteed, however, if you want to have the most success reaching your goal of a long-lasting and happy relationship, listen to this episode of Relationships First.
I hope I'm not the only one that thinks about relationships as my happy places.

So, how do we build long-lasting happy relationships?

The Unexpected
I think it starts with the unexpected... the things that are out of your control; ie, accidents, in-laws, death in the family, etc, and taking them in stride—allowing your partner to deal with those things on their terms and in their unique way. Sometimes their way is needing space or needing you more, and sometimes that requires extra communication.

Arguments and disagreements
Sometimes we don't always get along but we can still go along. By this I mean that arguments are going to occur but depending on the incident, it sometimes isn't worth the fight. If it was your favorite shirt washed with the colors and it was not red when it was white, well, what's the actual significance of that shirt to the overall longevity and happiness of your relationship? If it's minimal, then don't make it into a mountain or a relationship crusher. One must take into account the disagreement in the context of the entirety of the relationship, if it's small, don't make it into something it's not.

Create Space
Space is necessary for a relationship. I've seen couples who've smothered each other at the beginning of their relationships that later when one needs the space, their relationship becomes destroyed. Create a relationship with space and boundaries, it's okay, in fact, I'd say it's necessary.

If you like to read a book, make time to read a book, if you like to play video games, make time to play... but whatever you like to do, do it on your own. Along with that, allow your partner the same kind of space. Maybe you go out with friends and they stay home and play video games, or vice-versa. Either way, make time for yourself in your relationship.

Date Night
Go out and have fun! DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT do dinner and a movie!!!! Sure, it's okay once in a while for that film your partner really wants to see and/or you really want to see, but do not do it often. Date night can be a fun afternoon going on a hike followed by your favorite brewery for drinks and dinner. You could do dinner at their favorite restaurant followed by some mini golf or a night out line dancing at their favorite country bar. What I'm getting at here, is to do activities that create fun memories of you experiencing things together. For dinner and a movie you can both still ignore each other, but for an activity out and about you cannot.

Now go create your long-lasting happy relationship!

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