The Art of Health™ by Rob Bee
Count Chemicals NOT Calories with Barb Minemier
September 14, 2021
Barb Minemier has been a practicing Holistic Nutrition Coach for the past 10 years. She is all about counting the chemicals, NOT the calories. Barb busts through all the myths and misinformation out there to help her clients achieve optimal health – feeling good in their body again, free from pain and limitation.
You might have been guilty of drinking that bottle of cola 'til its last drop... then wishing for a healthy life afterwards!
Statistics says that each one of us consumes over 152 pounds of sugar in a year, and that is seriously frightening!
Food is medicine, but it is also the root of all diseases!
Check out today’s episode with Barb Minemier – the Founder/CEO of Your Healthy Truth LCC.
Barb Minemier has been a practicing Holistic Nutrition Coach for the past 10 years. She is all about counting the chemicals, NOT the calories. Barb busts through all the myths and misinformation out there to help her clients achieve optimal health – feeling good in their body again, free from pain and limitation.
Barb is a sought-after speaker for organizations, corporations, and wellness events. She is known for her “tell it like it is” approach that empowers audience members to take control of their energy levels and increase their focus and overall wellness. This results in better engagement, productivity, and satisfaction in the workplace and in LIFE!
In this episode, Barb discusses how life changing it is when you count the chemicals and not the calories of the foods that you eat. Here, she explains the disservice the medical profession has been doing with their patients along with the mistakes we make as we try to live a healthy life. Also, she gives away tips for you to finally have the true healthy living you’ve always dreamt about.
What you will learn from this episode:
“If you're going to a doctor who is not asking you about your diet and what you're eating, my recommendation is find another one that does.”Barb Minemier
Valuable Free Resource:
Access Barb’s Valuable Resources that will aid you in your journey to better health by clicking
Also, Barb will be having a Fall Clean Up – Detox and Cleanse program beginning September 26th! Visit and enroll yourself now. Registration is only until September 17th.
Topics Covered:
02:29 – The biggest challenge that people face as they age with regard to staying healthy, well, and positive: People’s lack of education and understanding on how food impacts our health and the medical profession doing a disservice to their patients.
05:14 – The common mistakes or misconceptions that people have about solving that problem of not being told what to eat: People attribute their symptoms to ageing even when it has nothing to do with it.
07:49 – The number one tip; a tangible specific action that people could implement right away: “Stay away from sugar. Along with that is to shop the perimeter of the supermarket. Go around the outskirts, get all the fruits and vegetables, the wild-caught fish, the grass-fed beef – anything free of chemicals and an ingredient list.”
10:00 – Free resource: Access Barb’s Valuable Resources that will aid you in your journey to better health by clicking
Key Takeaways:
“A lot of people aren't even aware of how what they eat impacts how they feel. All disease is food-driven. Everything we put on the end of our fork has everything that's information for our body, and when we start feeding our body something that it's not good for it, it lets us know.” – Barb Minemier
“When you're in your late 50s or early 60s and you think ‘because I'm getting older that I should have these symptoms’ – it's not true. Again, it has everything to do with what we're eating.” – Barb Minemier
“The healing powers of food are immense, and it costs you nothing but the price of going to the supermarket and buying it.” – Barb Minemier
Connect with Barb Minemier:
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