Purposeful Productivity Podcast
Plan 2022 without using SMART Goals
December 22, 2021
How do you personally reflect? There are different ways; it can be through journaling or reflection exercises. We can ask ourselves questions that help us find our innermost thoughts and emotions to uncover things that we can do more of and reduce, which enable us to make better decisions. Join me in this episode as I walk you through a simple yet very peaceful activity that'll guide you in knowing what you want to achieve for the upcoming year, 2022. Discover what reflective questions you can ask yourself to have a clear plan before the year ends and make your short and long-term goals much easier to fulfill.

Show Summary:
“Your feelings, intuition & mood are also data that help you make better decisions.”

The end of 2021 is the perfect time to start reflecting and planning. While we talk about how gratitude makes us more productive, it also motivates us to contemplate.

But how do you personally reflect? 

There are different ways; it can be through journaling or reflection exercises. We can ask ourselves questions that help us find our innermost thoughts and emotions to uncover things that we can do more of and reduce, which enable us to make better decisions. 

Join me in this episode as I walk you through a simple yet very peaceful activity that'll guide you in knowing what you want to achieve for the upcoming year, 2022.  Discover what reflective questions you can ask yourself to have a clear plan before the year ends and make your short and long-term goals much easier to fulfill.

Don't forget to share this with your friends and family to better visualize the things you want to attain moving forward.

Show Highlights: 

What is KAIZEN?

Celz 3:09

How do the reflective questions determine what your real emotions are?

Celz 6:04

Celz 12:22

Reflecting is an important process in goal planning

Celz 19:47

I’ll be having a giveaway as a way of saying “THANK YOU” for your continuous support. 

Here’s how  to join:

To celebrate the Purposeful Productivity Podcast wins of podcast charts I'll be giving away:

To submit an entry, here are the mechanics:

Don't forget to share this with your friends and family! Super grateful that I have you with me on this journey! 

Important Links:

Ecclesiastes 3


Don't’ forget to please leave a review to get an entry for the giveaway 

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