The Community Corner with Beth McIntyre
Start Building Relationships in Your Community with Tuvy Le
November 18, 2021
Today, we’re joined by Tuvy Le, Program Manager, Community Content at GitHub, a website and cloud-based service that allows developers to store, manage, and control changes to their code. They’re most commonly known for hosting open source projects. As part of the GitHub Community team, Tuvy is currently focusing on content strategy. Community management efforts should start by building relationships with highly engaged members who consistently contribute to the community in their own way. These members help drive the community culture. This will lay a solid foundation that can then be scaled to further spread culture in the community. Goals and KPIs aside, true empowerment comes from learning what’s important to community members and helping them cultivate a robust community culture. Different types of people in the community have different content needs. The responsibility of figuring out these needs should eventually fall on the most engaged community members. It gives them more direct ownership and lets them take care of the community as more active participants in the process of community management.

Learn more about Tuvy:

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