Time to Talk with Jen Graziano
Maura Carlin and Christie Derrico join Time To Talk with Jen Graziano
March 27, 2023
#TheBalanceDilemma #TimeToTalk #JenGraziano http://TheBalanceDilemma.com On The Balance Dilemma we speak to parents and nonparents alike, including Wall Street Execs, Mompreneurs, Momagers, lead parent dads, a brave pioneer who took paternity leave and so many others! Our guests discuss curveballs and pivots, imposter syndrome, the hidden workload, partnerships, and second and third acts. While there may not be one answer, the guests on The Balance Dilemma will share insights to help listeners carve their own path. Do you opt out for a few years? Hang on by your fingertips year after year, hoping the “balance” gets easier? Or ignore the chaos and pretend everything is perfect? Maura and Christie first met on-air for a round table discussion on the set of LMC Media. Fast friends, they shared notes about how to maintain professional lives while raising children and juggling health and happiness. When friends and strangers began to gravitate to their conversations, they knew they were onto something; it was clear women wanted, and perhaps needed, to discuss these pressing issues. Now, Maura and Christie bring their coffee talk from television to radio/podcasts discussing pivots and pitfalls, what works and what doesn't. **** Watch the show on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8eQUql7kKk ****