Money Grows on Trees: the Podcast
Are You a Bull or a Bear?
August 21, 2022
Another lesson on the Stock Market as more of you sent DM, Emails and even Carrier Pigeons asking our Millionaire Money Mentor, Lloyd Ross, about different aspects of the Stock Market. Well, This week we are going to discover if you are a Bull or a Bear and what that means for your investing style! Make sure to head over to Lloyd’s Instagram to get some extra lessons! Money Grows on Trees Team
Another lesson on the Stock Market as more of you sent DM, Emails and even Carrier Pigeons asking our Millionaire Money Mentor, Lloyd Ross, about different aspects of the Stock Market. Well, This week we are going to discover if you are a Bull or a Bear and what that means for your investing style! Make sure to head over to Lloyd’s Instagram to get some extra lessons! Money Grows on Trees Team