Alexa's Publishing Chat
{ep. 29} What you need to have ready for cover design & formatting
May 28, 2021
This is a basic recap of what you'll want to have ready before working with a publishing partner, self-publishing assist, or freelance cover designers and book formatters.
This is a basic recap of what you'll want to have ready before working with a publishing partner, self-publishing assist, or freelance cover designers and book formatters.

One thing we've learned after working with client after client is that the entire process of book production moves a lot faster if everyone understands what needs to be provided and at what point in the process. We begin with book cover design, so that we can start marketing and put the ebook on pre-order. So what do you need to get that cover design started? I'm telling you in this episode.

And so that you can be ready to have your book formatted, or typeset, or designed (lots of terms!), I've included the list on that as well. Now you'll be prepared for what you need to get ready in order to hire someone to design your book. 

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