Heart Sells! with Christine Schlonski
275 Create A Happy Pocket Full Of Money - variety Friday with Christine Schlonski
August 28, 2020
Heart-centered entrepreneurs often struggle to ask their price, make offers, or sell because they have been conditioned to believe that true work is hard. That money does not grow on trees. That if you enjoy what you do, you should not charge and so...

Heart-centered entrepreneurs often struggle to ask their price, make offers, or sell because they have been conditioned to believe that true work is hard. That money does not grow on trees. That if you enjoy what you do, you should not charge and so much more. At the end of the day, these beliefs don't serve you and they are often in our way to create more impact and to live a life beyond our wildest dreams. The book I am introducing to you today is a great resource to shift into a money mindset that serves you and your clients.