Positive Solutions 4 Life-Transforming Your Mind & Body from the Inside Out
Healthy Grief with Dr. Karen Kramer
April 19, 2024
Dr. Karen is all about Healing Hearts & Inspiring Minds. Dr. Karen is a grief recovery expert, retreat center founder, mindset facilitator, speaker, and author. She is a guiding light who has transformed the lives of hundreds-of-thousands of individuals around the world over the past 3 decades through her international coaching experiences. In addition, she maintains a private practice, is the founder of The VillaVision Wellness & Retreat Center, a sanctuary of tranquility, and she has a new book out, called "Healthy Grief".
In this episode, Dr. Karen adds to the normal definition of grief, which is usually associated with the loss of a loved one, to encompass everyday types of losses, when what once was, is no longer. These can be the loss of hopes and dreams, loss of identity or health. 

A loss is a window into understanding how we respond to grief, how we act and react has a lot to do with what is underneath, our past experiences, and our thoughts, beliefs.

Unprocessed grief will settle in the body. Some cysts can be pockets of unresolved sadness. A loss of identity leads to pathology. 

Dr. Karen also touches on ‘toxic positivity’, which basically means that if we are something other than happy, there is something wrong with us. It also leads us to be or want others to be happy. But it can prevent us from engaging and processing through grief, blocking it in the body. She gives a few things we can say to someone who is going through grief that allows the person to be seen, felt and heard. 
 To find out more about “Healthy Grief”, The VillaVision Wellness & Retreat Center, resources or to book a call with Dr. Karen, connect with her at: 


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